I first saw the documentary After the Last River via a private link on my laptop while curled up on my couch on a Sunday night in June. I was impressed, fascinated, horrified, and moved to tears.  An awful, unfamiliar … Continued

While all sides are claiming victory, it is only fitting that negotiations took place to close this chapter of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) – Platinex – Ontario conflict in much the same way this saga began; at the exclusion of the membership … Continued

I recently heard an Elder say that we, as the First Peoples, were given resources by the Creator from which we can make a living. He said, “God gave us resources to use from our lands. Our people did commercial … Continued

I received an email from “Northshorewoman” regarding my blog-entry on the Mining Act receiving Royal Assent. The email reads as follows: “I can see that there will be a lot of problems ahead such as, although it is definitely an … Continued

Approximately six months after it was first introduced into the Ontario Legislature, Bill 173, An Act to amend the Mining Act, received Royal Assent on October 28, 2009. Upon introducing Bill 173 for third reading, Minister of Northern Development, Mines … Continued

October 24, 2009 was the International Day of Climate Action and I was invited by the Lakehead University Student Union Sustainability Commissioner, Alex Boulet, to participate in a rally at Waverly Park in Thunder Bay. The rally was one of 5200 events held … Continued

Dunakiiwin is a term used to describe the homelands which lie in the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation, (Treaty # 9) – an area covering two-thirds of the far north of Ontario. It is estimated that about 74% of the surface of the earth … Continued

As the site of the longest-running blockade to stop clearcut logging, Asubpeeschoseewagong. or Grassy Narrows, located eighty + kilometers, northeast of Kenora  off the Trans-Canada Highway, has seen more than its share of struggles throughout its ancestral traditional territory.  The Anishnabek of Asubpeeschoseewagong … Continued

From  Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug… I’m John Cutfeet and I work for Wildlands League as a Bilingual Mining Coordinator, acting as a resource for Far North communities dealing with mining issues. I work out of the Far North office of the Wildlands League … Continued