Shared Values in the Heart of the Boreal
The words of 17 First Nations and 9 conservation groups from workshop proceedings held in January 2004. (1.74 MB)
Remoteness Sells
This report highlights the need to protect wilderness tourism in Ontario and offers eight recommendations to ensure Ontario remains a world-class wilderness tourism destination. (7.6 MB)
The Northern Bruce Peninsula Ecosystem Community Atlas
High resolution, print copies are $74.95 and available by contacting the Wildlands League office or click the cover to download the files.
Within the Lac Seul Upland: a geographical protrait of Ecoregion 3S
An inventory of many of the ecological and cultural values of the most intact boreal forest area left in the country. (pdf 19.4MB). High-res print copies can be purchased for $50.00 (discount available for First Nations) through our office.