While all sides are claiming victory, it is only fitting that negotiations took place to close this chapter of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) – Platinex – Ontario conflict in much the same way this saga began; at the exclusion of the membership … Continued

October 24, 2009 was the International Day of Climate Action and I was invited by the Lakehead University Student Union Sustainability Commissioner, Alex Boulet, to participate in a rally at Waverly Park in Thunder Bay. The rally was one of 5200 events held … Continued

From  Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug… I’m John Cutfeet and I work for Wildlands League as a Bilingual Mining Coordinator, acting as a resource for Far North communities dealing with mining issues. I work out of the Far North office of the Wildlands League … Continued