Ring of Fire

See latest Wildlands’ comments on the Draft Terms of Reference for the Regional Assessment in the Ring of Fire Area (from October 2024).

Read our latest press release and backgrounder on the 30% increase in mining claims in the Ring of Fire since 2022.

Check out Global News’ The Power of Peat by Krista Hessey and The Breathing Lands by The Water Brothers.

Both videos provide excellent context on the importance of peatlands and what’s at stake in the Ring of Fire.

View background information
















See new map of industrial activities in northern watersheds including the Ring of Fire September 2023.

Why we care Why we care

We care because this region is one of the largest intact areas left on the planet. Industrial resource extraction must meet the highest standards in the world and would only proceed after an over-arching plan to protect the ecological and cultural values for the region is in place.

Ontario needs to take a long term view to ensure local First Nations are respected and the environment is protected.

The stakes here are high, ecologically, culturally and economically.




How we can help Solution

A regional strategic environmental assessment (RSEA) is needed to properly protect the ecological and cultural values of this region before any new mines or infrastructure corridors are built. The assessment must:

  • be done with the full involvement of First Nations and public hearings, and incorporate the advice of experts;
  • incorporate explicit and robust cumulative effects design for the sensitive environmental and cultural values of the region; and
  • ensure a clear commitment to transparency in decision making and protection of the public interest.


Janet Sumner, JLS-RoF-LakeheadPresentation2015, October 30, 2015.

Ring of Fire – May 2013

Presentation to the Canadian Institute of Mining, May 2013 “Getting it Right in the Ring of Fire

  • 01.10.10Holding our breath for Ontario to join in conserving Canada’s Inland Sea
  • 01.10.10A Resilient Greenbelt and Rouge National Park
  • 01.10.10Nature Connectivity Fall Update
  • 01.10.10Counting Coastal Caribou
  • 01.10.10An Unsung Hero for Protected Places in Canada
  • 01.10.10Remembering Peter Gorrie
  • 01.10.10Ontario is liquidating instead of safeguarding precious natural areas
  • 01.10.10A Nature Legacy, Thanks to Mom
  • 01.10.10Forest Sector Strategy: Open for Business, Closed to the Public?
  • 01.10.10Update on our De Beers private prosecution