Greetings Wildlands League community! My name is Eugenia Kwok, Outreach Manager at Wildlands League. I am fascinated with the tireless work and volunteer support I see for Wildlands League. I’ve started a new blog series called “Volunteer Spotlight” to showcase some of the amazing work our volunteers do and to hear what compels them to give their time and effort to protect Canada’s natural world.
This is a brief Q and A with Kevish Raj Suri, a 14 yr old youth paddler who started attending Paddle the Rouge in 2014. He is our youngest volunteer at Wildlands League. Note: Eugenia is EK and Kevish’s answer follows below under KRS.

EK: Why do you choose to volunteer with Wildlands League?
KRS: I chose to volunteer at Wildlands League because I would like to help other kids with their skills when it comes to paddling. I enjoy helping others with their skills because people helped me with my skills at initially when i started to paddle for the first time, at paddle the rouge and that is how I improved in paddling. It was because I was getting the right help, now I want to be that helping hand. Paddle the rouge means having fun paddling enjoying the great outdoors, mother nature. It means experiencing paddling first hand. My most memorable moment volunteering with Paddle the Rouge this year, when I was in the boat with two young kids and I saw the smile on their face when paddling they were enjoying it as much as I did when I first started to paddle in 2014. Paddle the rouge is very special for my self and my mother. I thanks everyone especially Janet and Jennifer and everyone who has encouraged me and guided me. Thank you again for organizing this event and for making me part of Paddle the Rouge. I look forward to Volunteer every year as it is a great event. I learnt to paddle only when I first participated in this event in 2014.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with Wildlands League, contact Eugenia, Outreach Manager, at