• Fact Sheet #1: Shoreline Forests – These ecologically important forests must be protected…read more (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet #2: Boreal Forest Certification – How ecological certification of logging practices can help protect this vast region…read more (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet #3: Eastern White Pine Forests: Ecology, Threats and Survival – Ontario’s provincial tree is under stress from logging…read more (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet #4: Good Boreal Forestry – How forestry needs to change to protect large, intact old forests…read more (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet #5: Control of Public Forests – Can we change from corporate to community control of public forests…read more (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet #6: Lessons for Canadians from Swedish Forests – Forestry has had severe impacts on Sweden’s forests…read more (pdf)


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