It’s been two years since the federal government announced the biggest-ever investment to protect nature in Canadian history. And it’s working. Across Canada we’re seeing tangible progress – from 27 new protected areas in Nova Scotia to 50,000 km2 of Indigenous-led conservation in northern Manitoba, and from Canada’s newest national park in Northwest Territories to a doubling of protected area in New Brunswick.

More is needed. 

As federal, provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments and other partners like Wildlands League and CPAWS work together to deliver on the goal of protecting at least 17% of our land and freshwater by 2020, we need also to focus on where we go next.

Imagine what we can protect next…

Getting to Canada’s new goals of 25% protection by 2025 and 30% by 2030 will take more leadership, including more investment by the federal government. The historic investment of 2018 is working. Let’s keep going! 

The Finance Minister’s budget speech is just a few weeks away.

And we need the federal government to prioritize nature protection in its 2020 budget. See the Green Budget Coalition Recommendations here.

Let your federal MP know you want at least $1.5 billion to address the extinction crisis by 2025.

Read the latest report by CPAWS.