A bequest is a gift of cash or property made through your will. It’s one of the simplest Planned Giving options to arrange, and it can significantly reduce the tax paid by your estate.


There are four types of bequests:

A general bequest is a stated amount or percentage of an estate, for Wildlands League’s conservation work.

Suggested wording:

“I give to Wildlands League, charitable number 11878 2317 RR0001 the sum of $_________ (OR: an amount equal to _____%) of my estate for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine in their absolute discretion.”

A specific bequest directs that a charity is to receive a specific piece of property.

Suggested wording:

“I give to Wildlands League charitable number 11878 2317 RR0001, all of my shares in XYZ Mutual Fund to be used for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine in their absolute discretion.”

A residual bequest leaves all or a portion of whatever is left in the estate after taxes, debts, burial and the other bequests have been distributed.

Suggested wording:

“I give to Wildlands League, charitable number 11878 2317 RR0001 the residue (or share of the residue) of my estate for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine in their absolute discretion.”

Family Fire-001

A contingent bequest takes effect only if the primary intention cannot be met (e.g. if the primary beneficiary does not survive the donor). This ensures that property will pass to the charity rather than unintended beneficiaries (including the government).

Suggested wording:

“If (name of beneficiary) does not survive me, or shall die during the administration of my estate, within ninety (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to Wildlands League charitable number 11878 2317 RR0001, all of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine in their absolute discretion.”

To find out more about Planned Giving Options to Wildlands League please contact Janet 416-971-9453 ext. 39