Wildlands League is at COP15, the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, Quebec. We will be spending the week collaborating with leaders, delegates, and ENGOs from around the world on conserving global biodiversity.
Wildlands will be hosting two events: Sunday, December 11, 2022 at the Canada Pavilion | 2:00PM – 3:30PM EST.
The 90 minute panel will bring together Indigenous leaders, scientists and conservation experts from Canada’s Hudson Bay Lowland and surrounding sea. Panelists will speak to their homelands, irrecoverable carbon stores of the Hudson Bay Lowland, the looming threat of Ring of Fire mining, global stopovers for North America’s birds, tales of living with polar bears and Indigenous-led conservation in the sea.
The full recording will be available following the live event.
Wildlands presents a short film and presentation on two key emerging issues in Canada’s forests:
- A 9-minute short from the film The Issue with Tissue by Michael Zelniker that documents the little known, largely untold story of the boreal forest and the Indigenous First Nations who call it home, that it is being clearcut for the manufacture of toilet paper and that protecting and conserving the boreal is an existential imperative; and
- How conventional logging in Canada’s boreal forest is leading to forest degradation and deforestation. Canada has been under-reporting deforestation and carbon impacts by forestry.