We are thrilled to announce our partnership with ECHOage, a birthday party website that helps kids receive great gifts AND give gifts to charity. Want to save time and money, and take the guess work out of gift giving? Through ECHOage, your birthday boy or girl will gets to choose any birthday gifts they want and help protect the environment through a gift to a charity like CPAWS Wildlands League. And the best part? ECHOage makes it so easy – and fun! – to give.

You can use ECHOage to plan more than just birthdays! If you can celebrate it, you can use ECHOage to support the honoree and CPAWS Wildlands League at the same time.  Think.. retirement, anniversary, weddings and pretty much anything you can celebrate.

button9WHY ECHOage?

  • Save time and money, and take the guess work out of gift giving
  • Reduce packaging = environmentally friendly!
  • Help your honoree get a cool gift that they will love
  • Built-in invitations and thank you cards make party planning a breeze
  • You’ll have your RSVP list at your fingertips at any time
  • E-receipting means you’ll have your tax receipt issued immediately


Learn more about how to plan your ECHOage party at ECHOage.com.

Thanks for your continued support!

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